Posted on June 5, 2011 by Mike Malpass
Last weekend, we completed our first Combat Systema seminar in Tempe, Arizona. The seminar went three days and covered: functionalizing the clinch, takedowns on resisting subjects, ground survival and the Combat Systema striking module. The group consisted of law enforcement officers, Combat Systema affiliates and several people who wanted to compare Combat Systema with other systems they have or are currently studying. First off, what an amazing group of people! Everyone worked hard straight through for seven-hour days. The participants opted for no lunch and small breaks for maximum training time for each individual. Throughout the three day seminar, individuals approached myself and Kevin and commented on the quality of the people involved with the seminar. For the law enforcement officers, it was an eye opening experience to train with Kevin Secours, to be exposed to his extensive experience and abilities and to see an approach to training far different from what the average cop experiences in the course of his/her career. Every cop involved in the seminar made it clear that this style of training is far more beneficial than the standard “cookie cutter” approach to law enforcement training. The affiliates, who have trained with Kevin before said that each time is a new experience and they learn new twists to the lessons each time. The others who have trained in other arts, but not Combat Systema before, were fascinated by the lesson plan objectives and amazed at the extensive knowledge Kevin has, not only of Combat Systema, but of numerous other fighting systems. For me, it was a great experience to be around a wonderful group of people and to spend three days with Kevin Secours, who is not only one of the most skillful and talented teachers I have ever trained with, but a hell of a nice guy to boot. If you have the chance to train with Kevin, I could not give you enough of a recommendation to do so. I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed and you will walk away more poised, more skilled and more amazed each time you train with him. To contact Kevin, go to and you can also see some of his teaching methods at Systema Canada on You Tube. I also highly recommend Kevin’s dvd’s, which were my first chance to see the Combat Systema application to fighting systems. Keep in mind, I studied different fighting systems for almost thirty years before I was exposed to Combat Systema material. Here is what I can tell you; if you have already been studying other arts, Kevin’s material will make you better. If Combat Systema is the first art you will study, you will be exposed to a complete fighting system that teaches how to stay healthy and develop principles and attributes from day one that can put you well on your way to becoming a balanced, healthy, and poised fighter. Check on the Systema Canada and Combative Resolutions You Tube pages in the next few weeks for video clips from the seminar and thanks again to Kevin Secours for an awesome training experience. Comments are closed.
AuthorMike Malpass, Archives
March 2023